Analytics data revealed that,
– user retention (returning user visits)
– engagement (time spent on the platform & interaction rates)
stagnated and was not growing despite significant growth of the subscriber base.
What influences users to select one video streaming service over another for content viewing?
2-week diary study which included: an initial kick-off interview, diary entries recorded via video, and post-study interviews.
Identified that lack of content in native language as major discouragement, need to improve content personalisation, make content look more attractive, a list of desired features (content ratings, kids’ section, more content in English, option to download content.
Reorganizing priorities in the backlog to develop a number of features to enhance user engagement.
The Diary Study process in detail
Lessons learned
- user drop-offs during the study caused delays. That calls for an improved method of motivating users or better screening users during recruitment.
- one user did not contribute during the first week at all and did all the work in the last 3 days of the study. Even though that is not ideal, it did not negatively influence the relevance of the study. However, lesson can be drawn to reflect on motivating users or better screening.
- the study generates a lot of data to analyse. It is extremely important to stay on track whether users answer the key questions of the study as well as necessity to analyse each input as it comes (avoid waiting).